Wednesday, October 27, 2010

twitter gloves. fjaaril edition

First of all, big thank you to everyone!
twitter gloves are becoming more and more popular! 
Presenting the "fjaaril edition"- the colors and butterfly pattern on the hood.
The qualities don't change- 100 % wool, extremely warm, soft and comfortable.

We are not scared of winter!



Anonymous said...

Kur un par kādām naudām šos skaistuļus var iegūt savā īpašumā? Vai arī viss jārunā privāti?

Unknown said...

iegūt var dažādi- kafejnīcā-grāmatveikalā "Pie Humberta" Berga Bazārā vai kontaktējoties caur e-pastu, pa tālruni 25904768.

Cena 15 Ls